Battle Buddies
Adventure is Better with a Buddy

#52 – Reunion

Our inventive heroes continue work on their secret weapon with their new friend Rigger. Everything seems to be going well with the new design, but things don't stay quiet for long.

Need more Battle Buddies? Good news! We will be releasing our new episodes once a week until our finale!

If you like our show, please tell a friend about us! And give us 5 stars on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

Until next week, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#53 – Who Else Could be Great?

With their new prototype in tow, our heroes journey back through the maze of underground tunnels to find the Alliance. The ground is treacherous, and along way are unexpected encounters. And once they finish their journey, an even harder path lies before of them.

If you like our show, please tell a friend about us! And give us 5 stars on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

Need more Battle Buddies? Good news! We will be releasing our new episodes once a week until our finale!

Until next week, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#54 – The Taste of Fish

The Triple Threat has returned to their allies in the Alliance, and a difficult decision has been made. Now they must rally as many as they can to their cause, and hope they have learned enough to lead their friends to victory. As the team negotiates to gain the help of powerful leaders Aiden says he knows of someone else who may help.

If you like our show, please tell a friend about us! And give us 5 stars on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

Need more Battle Buddies? Good news! We will be releasing our new episodes once a week until our finale!

Until next week, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#55 – The Worst Secret Keepers

Magic may have been a dangerous secret when their story began, but the Triple Threat wants to lift the veil and share the powers they have discovered and harnessed with the world. In this episode the team travels far across the lands in one last effort to warn as many as they can and prepare them for the approaching storm. Join us as the worst secret keepers do their best to protect the ones they love.

If you like our show, please tell a friend about us! And give us 5 stars on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

Need more Battle Buddies? Good news! We will be releasing our new episodes once a week until our finale!

Until next week, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#56 – The Dreamer

Tilly, Toolie and Tavin regroup and journey together for one last side quest. What will they find when they arrive at the strange kingdom Adien has told them about? Do new friends await, or only more trouble?

If you like our show, please tell a friend about us! And rate and review us on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

Need more Battle Buddies? Good news! We will be releasing our new episodes once a week until our finale!

Until next week, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#57 – Beach Episode

This episode puts the battle in Battle Buddies! The Triple Threat makes their stand against the fish force, and waits for the Deep One to show itself. So many of their friends stand with them, but will it be enough?

If you like our show, please tell a friend about us! And rate and review us on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

Join us in one week for our penultimate episode!

Until next week, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#58 – Sweet Dreams

Are you ready to finish this? The Triple Threat is ready... they think...

What does the Deep One have in store for our heroes? Do they have what it takes to face him? Together, our heroes have never encountered their better. But what happens if they have to fight alone?

Join us and find out! In this exciting conclusion to the battle on the beach!

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! We are thrilled you completed our adventure with us! We hope you have enjoyed our show. If you have please tell your best buddies about us, and rate and review us on Spotify, Apple or wherever you get your podcasts!

We have one more special episode left to share with you, tune in next week to hear the epilogue Kelsy wrote for the show. We hope you have a wonderful week!

Until then, check out our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Fire Place, Birds in Forest, Kitchen, Windy Day, Cats, Night Ambience, Walking Sound, Glass Shatter Effects from Pixabay

Waterfall Sound Effect by DMD_Production from Pixabay

Landslide Sound Effect by SoundReality from Pixabay

#59 – Epilogue

Thank you all so much for listening! And a huge thank you to Kelsy for writing the epilogue for our story.

This will be the end of Battle Buddies for now... Thank you so much for staying with us through it all! We loved putting this project together and it feels incredible to have finished what we started. Until our next adventure, we wish you all the absolute best!

Music by Logan Reed

Our LinkTree Battle Buddies!

Battle Buddies is an actual play D&D podcast in an original setting that focuses on collaborative storytelling, exciting adventures and meaningful friendships!