Battle Buddies
Adventure is Better with a Buddy

BONUS: Loot the Tower!

We've said it before, if you show your players a tower, they are going to want to know what's inside. And in this short bonus episode we will see what goodies Tilly, Tavin and Toolie find for themselves.

This was recorded with the same session we released last week, but did not fit in the flow of the narrative. So we decided to put it here instead of throw off the feel of last week's show.

We will be back next week with another giant episode filled with emotional moments for our heroes!

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Music by Logan Reed

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#38 – A Hundred Times Over

Welcome back to Battle Buddies, the D&D actual play podcast with heart!

In this episode Tavin starts to feel guilty about a secret he and Tilly are keeping from their friend. After a hard conversation, the heroes part ways for a time to go see their families, and Toolie travels alone back to the mainland. Don't worry, they are still on vacation. And nothing bad ever happens when the party splits during vacation... We're off the edge of the map and here there be feelings.

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

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#39 – Lost at Sea

After an emotional parting in the last episode, the team is still split up, and they may have a hard time finding each other again.

In this episode of Battle Buddies Toolie makes new friends at school, and Tilly and Tavin try to make it safely back to the mainland. But our heroes have made powerful enemies who would rather see them under the waves than above them. Join us and see what awaits our heroes on the open ocean!

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

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#40 – One Way Out

After their ship is crushed and dragged to the bottom of the ocean, and they are stranded on a remote island, things don't seem like they could get much worse for Tilly and Tavin. But this island has dangerous secrets and the two warriors lament the absence of their scholarly party member.

Will the great wizard Toolie arrive in time to rescue her friends?

Join us and find out!

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

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#41 – A Hundred Hatches - or Tavin Tilabosh in Tunnel Trouble

Welcome back! So much happens in our new episode!

Tavin wanders the ghost filled tunnels beneath the island looking for a way out, and Cliona feels drawn to a power in the center of the labyrinth. What will they find?

United once again, Toolie and Tilly try to come up with a plan to rescue their friend. But with more sailors going missing every night tensions are rising between the sailors and our heroes. Will they be able to navigate aggressive social situations without Tavin's tactfulness?

Other topics covered in this episode include: Yokai and Japanese ghost stories, more lore in our homebrew world, bad vs good map drawing, alternate adventuring teams made up of our beloved npcs and the POCKET TOWER!

Yeah, remember how Toolie found a pocket tower? Well, in this episode she remembers too. (thanks Tilly!)

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

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#42 – Furious Flaming Furniture Free-For-All

And Fighting the Frozen Phantom

In this week's episode, Tavin and Cliona face a dark and powerful enemy on their own. Will their tactics and swordsmanship be enough to win the day?

Meanwhile, in the pocket tower, Tilly and Toolie discover something unexpected on the top floor.

At the table we discuss adulting, junk food, and how adults get to eat junk food whenever they want!

Will our heroes ever be united again? Join us and find out!

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

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#43 – A Time to Chill

Napping, Fishing and Researching... you know, D&D things...

Welcome! In this episode the team loots the slain lich's stuff! Then they meet up with an unexpected frie... adversary?

Everyone takes some time to recharge in their own way and we get to know more about the mysterious island and the angsty wizard Lucian. Will they like the news he brings? Join us and find out!

Want more? Check out Kayla and Logan's adventure with our friend Mark in Tales from the Gray Library. If you like Mark's original storytelling talents, check out all his other shows at Night Cast Creative.

Thank you for listening!

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#44 – Everyone has a Story

When you have been adventuring as long as our heroes, word spreads of your many mighty deeds. But much like a game of telephone, the details can get lost in the mix.

In this weeks episode the Triple Threat catches up with an old friend and hears some good news, and some bad. When they make it back to the Society headquarters Beretta has a new mission for them, and a story to share.

Need more adventure? Check out Kayla and Logan's quest with our friend Mark in Tales from the Gray Library. If you like Mark's original storytelling talents, check out all his other shows at Night Cast Creative.

Thank you for listening!

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#45 – Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys

DMing requires a lot of juggling. It can feel like herding monkeys, or running a three ring circus.

What I am saying is, things get a little out of hand in this episode! The Triple Threat continues their journey deep into the caves beneath the world they know. As they explore their alien surroundings they quickly learn of the dangers hidden underground.

But even in the darkest places, I'm willing to bet our crew can find a friend.

Want more adventure? The finale of Kayla and Logan's quest in the world of the Otherplace is up! Check it out! Tales from the Gray Library. If you like Mark's original storytelling talents, check out all his other shows at Night Cast Creative.

Thank you for listening!

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Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

#46 – Claire

After some much needed, monkey-free rest, the Triple Threat spends some time with their new friend Claire.

Our players follow her and her strange metal golem, George, to the gravesite of an ancient creature. Claire is excited to talk science with Toolie, and the two eagerly exchange notes. But Tilly feels uneasy in these tunnels. Is the friendly Firbolg simply paranoid? Will they find safety in Claire's headquarters? Or are there dangers in these caves yet undiscovered? Join us and find out!

Want more adventure? The finale of Kayla and Logan's quest in the world of the Otherplace is up! Check it out! Tales from the Gray Library. If you like Mark's original storytelling talents, check out all his other shows at Night Cast Creative. Have fun!

Thank you for listening!

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Say hello! :) [email protected]

Music by Logan Reed and Jesse Ormand

Battle Buddies is an actual play D&D podcast in an original setting that focuses on collaborative storytelling, exciting adventures and meaningful friendships!